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Quality in Health and Social Care: Trends in Regulation
Our recent spotlight on quality session focuses on beginning your accreditation journey. During the event we heard from the Tendable team and our customers who shared their experiences on their accreditation journey, as well as, how you can build your own accreditation programme.
This spotlight on quality session focused on the CQC Single Assessment Framework. During the event, we heard from the Tendable team and our in-house experts who will shared their experiences with the new framework, as well as, how you can utilise data to evidence your CQC compliance.
During this spotlight on quality session we focused on how to use data across your organisation, and explored the importance of using different datasets in unison to make data-led decisions. We heard from our customers who shared their experiences embedding data into their organisation, as well as how they avoided common pitfalls on this journey.
Within this spotlight, we shared best practices and insights from subject matter experts including: Jane Cummings, former Chief Nursing Officer for England, and Carrie Marr, former Chief Executive of the Clinical Excellence Commission (CEC), as well as Sarah Carr-Cave, Deputy Chief Nurse, Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust.
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