See how you can transform your decision-making with new Analytics from Tendable


Quality inputs deliver
quality outputs

The first step towards having quality assurance is making sure you are inputting accurate, reliable data into your systems. We know that data outputs will only be as good as the data that is inputted into the system so your audit programme needs to be well-designed, with the right questions being asked at the right frequency.

Tendable solution

Mobile app

Tendable is designed as a mobile-first solution making it intuitive and therefore extremely easy to use.

Audits include score questions and use the free-text comment and photo capture to provide the full picture of improvements underway.

Our Mobile app puts quality in the palm of your hand, at the touch of a button and we know frontline teams love using it because they can see the time and effort that it saves them!

Web portal

Web portal

We recognise that some functions are more suited to desk work and so our web portal brings the management of your quality programme to your desktop. Here, you can manage all actions and review all results as well as access our Tendable analytics and reporting portals.

An added benefit to our web portal is that you can start, complete, and submit inspections with the ability to switch between mobile and desktop.

You have the choice to complete inspections in the setting that makes the most sense for what you’re doing.


The goal of having an overall digital quality solution is to make sure you have consistency and standardisation in your quality programme across your organisation. However, we know that not every area is going to be exactly the same, which is where tailoring comes in.

When using our tailoring functionality, areas will only see the questions that are relevant to them. For example, a paediatric ward can ask questions about cleaning the children’s toys in their IPC audit - those questions will not be shown in your adult areas!

This makes audits more user-friendly, removing the need to select ‘Not applicable’ every time so only questions relevant to the user are seen.

Our Solutions Tagging


Our Tagging functionality brings an additional level of capability to the reporting you generate. With this feature, you can identify the themes you are most interested in and tag any questions that link to that theme – this could be related to your regulator or your own strategic and quality priorities.

Tagging also gives you the ability to pull reports by theme, no matter where or when the question was asked.

In addition, you can get a full picture of what’s going on in relation to your themes on an ongoing basis, rather than relying on one-off inspections by your senior teams.

Raise actions

Actions allow you to close the loop on issues that are identified through the inspection process. So not only are you identifying what has gone wrong, you are then able to track and manage what you are doing to fix it.

With every inspection, users are able to flag issues that need to be addressed. Upon doing so, the team in charge of your area will immediately be notified that action needs to be taken. They can then track completion and evidence right in the Tendable system.

Real-time dashboards

Every user of Tendable has access to powerful dashboards that provide you with results in real time. When accessing these dashboards, you can filter the data down to show what’s of interest to you – whether you’re a frontline team member interested in your ward’s hand hygiene scores this month, or a board member who wants a wholistic picture of the current quality risks in your organisation your information is ready for you to retrieve it.

Once you have found what you need you can export this data into a range of formats that work best for you, creating reports that are readily available to provide live assurance to boards or your frontline staff.

Real-time dashboards
Azure Active Directory

Azure Active Directory can link to your user authentication. This means busy, transient teams sharing the same device can get logged in quickly without the need to spend time remembering yet another password. Not only this, but you also have complete control over who has access to your organisation’s Tendable data.

Knowledge Base

The Tendable Knowledge Base contains help articles, step-by-step guides, ‘how-to’ videos, and searchable information for users to learn about all the elements of the Tendable mobile app and Web Portal. It is accessible to all our users via the Web Portal and not only can existing users refresh their knowledge on how to use Tendable’s products, but the Knowledge Base can also act as a self-training tool for any new users of the system.



Through the implementation process, our Customer Success team will work with you to develop your quality assurance programme. This will bring consistency across every area of your organisation, with tailoring where it is most appropriate. With a consistent approach being applied in every area, you will be able to carry out internal benchmarking, letting you see those areas who have consistent high performance, and those that need a little extra support. You will also support a culture where best practice can be rapidly shared and disseminated and standards and consistency improved across all sites of service.


By joining Tendable’s large community of international health and social care organisations, you also gain the opportunity to benchmark your quality performance with other organisations in our network who wish to do so. The ability to learn from and with other organisations can accelerate the pace of change and improvement. It can also help raise quality standards across the industry while ensuring that you are dedicating staff time to the issues that really matter.