See how you can transform your decision-making with new Analytics from Tendable


Customise, configure and build your own interactive analytics dashboards to meet your unique needs

Introducing our new analytics dashboards

We are introducing a revolutionary set of dashboards that will allow you to deepen the insights that you get from your quality assurance programme.

Our enhanced, unified dashboards give you and your frontline teams a complete and real-time overview of your quality programme by combining all data collected in Tendable in a completely customisable format.

Learn how our refreshed analytics can transform your decision-making from the frontline to the boardroom

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Personalised real-time insights

Our revitalised real-time analytics portal offers you complete freedom and flexibility to customise reporting to your local requirements. Allowing you to make decisions and provide assurance with live data, as well as foster a culture of learning and improvement within your team, service and organisation.

Peer and expert analytics

Instant customisable insights

Our analytics portal comprises of a set of out of the box dashboards for instant access to insights on your quality assurance programme. We’ve set these up with the information we think will be most helpful, but you can change the charts, layouts, colours, targets and filters to your requirements.

You can even build your own personalised dashboard from scratch by selecting from a library of pre-built charts or choosing your preferred datapoints and visualisation.

This means you can tailor reporting to meet your needs – whether that’s reporting to the quality committee, board assurance or accreditation – the options are endless!

Configure and save your view

Our restructured filtering allows you to streamline your workflows by saving and storing your custom filter sets as bookmarks, allowing quick recall and switching between common views with specific filters for your site, area and inspections.

Our filters also include quick pre-set defaults for the most common reporting date filters. Allowing you to easily switch between different time periods so that you and your frontline teams can understand trends over time as well as what’s happening in real time on that day. This means that you can rapidly spot deterioration as well as celebrate improvements.

Restructured Filtering
Audit of PPE conducted by peer

Deep dive, compare and assure

Tailor reporting to match your local thresholds and KPIs so you always know if you’re on or off track. Drill down to get to the root cause of performance so you can take action, where necessary, or understand and share best practice contributing to a culture of learning.

Export dashboards and charts for reporting, monitoring and assurance from the frontline to the Board, as well as with regulators and other external bodes. Export the underlying data for further comparison and manipulation or use our API for a regular feed of the underlying data straight into your organisation’s data warehouse.

Gain insight across your organisation through enhanced analytics

Create tailored reports effortlessly

Eliminate reporting complexity and use analytics to highlight areas of concern and immediately identify discrepancies. Take the necessary steps to enhance overall quality from a single point of truth.

Drill down to specifics

Understand outliers right down to the individual inspection, identify areas of risk that are specific to your organisation.

Export and compare data 

This will give you the ability to export whole dashboards as PDF export or underlying data sets as CSV for sharing or to further manipulate and compare data.

Analytics laptop

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