Spotlight on Quality: Data and Triangulation
During this spotlight on quality session we focused on how to use data across your organisation, and explored the importance of using different datasets in unison to make data-led decisions. We heard from our customers who shared their experiences embedding data into their organisation, as well as how they avoided common pitfalls on this journey.

Driving a culture of data-based decisions
Building a data-led decision making culture across all levels of such complex healthcare organisations requires a clear plan and time. Our speakers explored ways they are driving this shift within their roles.

How to avoid analysis paralysis
As datasets are uncovered and utilised, it is all to simple to wait for more data instead of using what you already have to make an immediate positive impact. Our speakers run through their experiences to meet this challenge.
Strategies to avoid common data pitfalls
Pulling complex datasets together to unearth useful insights is challenging. Our speakers run through some common pitfalls to avoid including safeguarding data integrity & timeliness of data.

Mike Farrar, Former CEO of NHS Confederation

Ceri Dallimore, Digital Nursing Principle Analyst at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board